A joke

So, Nikki says that I should post a joke. I have a ton of them, but they are all really bad. But I’ll put one down anyway.
The following is a true story:
Once while at EFY I got tired of having the same food for the banquet week after week. So one week I got just rice, salad, and a role. I sat down and began eating. There were two girls sitting across from me watching me eat. They kept looking. Finally I asked what was up. The two girls looked at each other and asked “Are you a vegetarian?”
Now, if you have ever seen me or know me at all, you know that I am definitely NOT a vegetarian. So I looked at the girls, then down at my rotund midriff, then at the girls again. Finally I said to them: “Do I LOOK like a vegetarian to you? I have been mistaken to have eaten a vegetarian but not to have actually been a vegetarian. ” They laughed and went on their merry way.

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